David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants

(Darren Dugan) #1

cousin who had served time in jail.^2 If
that many people in your life have
served time behind bars, does the law
seem fair anymore? Does it seem
predictable? Does it seem like you can
speak up and be heard? What Jaffe
realized when she came to Brownsville
was that the police were seen as the
enemy. And if the police were seen as
the enemy, how on earth would she be
able to get fifteen- and sixteen-year-olds
—already embarked on a course of
mugging and stealing—to change their
ways? She could threaten them and warn
them of the dire consequences of
committing more crimes. But these were
teenagers, stubborn and defiant by

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