David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants

(Darren Dugan) #1

nature, who had already drifted into a
life of crime. Why should they listen to
her? She represented the institution that
had put their fathers and brothers and
cousins in prison. She needed to win
back the respect of the community, and
to do that, she needed the support of the
families of her J-RIPpers. Her little
speech on that first Thanksgiving—I
know sometimes you can hate the
police. I understand all that. But I just
want you to know, as much as it seems
that we’re harassing you by knocking
on your door, we really do care, and we
really do want you to have a happy
Thanksgiving—was a plea for
legitimacy. She was trying to get
families who had been on the wrong side

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