David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants

(Darren Dugan) #1

of the law—sometimes for generations
—to see that the law could be on their
After the success with the turkeys,
Jaffe started Christmas-toy giveaways.
The J-RIP task force started playing
basketball with their young charges.
They took them out for sushi dinners.
They tried to get them summer jobs.
They drove them to doctor appointments.
Then Jaffe started a Christmas dinner,
where every J-RIPper was invited along
with his entire family. “You know what I
do at the Christmas dinner with my J-
RIP kids?” Jaffe said. “They act all
tough in front of their friends. So I hug
each one of them. It’s always ‘Come on.

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