David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants

(Darren Dugan) #1

Let’s hug.’” Jaffe is not a small woman.
She is strong and imposing. Imagine her
approaching some skinny teenager with
her arms wide open. A hug from her
would swallow him up.
This sounds like something out of a
bad Hollywood movie, doesn’t it?
Turkeys on Thanksgiving! Hugging and
crying! The reason most police
departments around the world haven’t
followed Jaffe’s lead is that what she
did doesn’t seem right. Johnnie Jones
was a bad kid. Buying food and toys for
people like him seems like the worst
form of liberal indulgence. If the police
chief in your town announced, in the face
of a major crime wave, that she was
going to start hugging and feeding the

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