David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants

(Darren Dugan) #1

backwards. What Jaffe proved was that
the powerful have to worry about how
others think of them—that those who
give orders are acutely vulnerable to the
opinions of those whom they are
ordering about.
That was the mistake General
Freeland made in the Lower Falls. He
didn’t look at what was happening
through the eyes of people like
Rosemary Lawlor. He thought he’d
ended the insurgency when he rode
around the hushed streets of the Lower
Falls like a British Raj on a tiger hunt.
Had he bothered to drive up the street to
Ballymurphy, where Harriet Carson was
banging the lids of pots and saying,
“Come on, come out, come out. The

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