David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants

(Darren Dugan) #1

Catholics back directly onto the
backyards of Protestants, in such close
proximity that each house has a giant
metal grate over its backyard to protect
the inhabitants against debris or petrol
bombs thrown by their neighbors. On the
night before the Twelfth, when Loyalists
lit bonfires around the city, people in
Catholic neighborhoods would smell the
smoke and hear the chants and see their
flag going up in flames.
In marching season, violence always
erupts in Northern Ireland. One of the
incidents that began the Troubles was in
1969 after two days of riots broke out
when a parade passed through a Catholic
neighborhood. When the marchers went
home, they went on a rampage through

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