David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants

(Darren Dugan) #1

soldiers had stood between the marchers
and the residents, ostensibly to act as a
buffer. But the troops faced the Catholics
on the sidewalk and stood with their
backs to the Loyalists—as if they saw
their job as to protect the Loyalists from
the Catholics but not the Catholics from
the Loyalists.
General Freeland was trying to
enforce the law in Belfast, but he needed
to first ask himself if he had the
legitimacy to enforce the law—and the
truth is, he didn’t. He was in charge of
an institution that the Catholics of
Northern Ireland believed, with good
reason, was thoroughly sympathetic to
the very people who had burned down
the houses of their friends and relatives

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