David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants

(Darren Dugan) #1

hill were imprisoned in their homes. Her
brother was shot and killed. She never
wanted any of it, nor asked for any of it,
nor could even make sense of what
happened. “That was my life, my whole
new life,” she said. “And then this was
forced upon me. And I go, This is not
right. D’you know? Here are my people
I grew up with in school, being burnt out
of their houses. The British Army that
came in to protect us has now turned on
us and is wracking and ruining. I became
hooked. I don’t mean that flippantly. I
became that way because I can’t sit in
the house while this is going on. I can’t
be a nine-to-five mother.
“People call it the Troubles,” she

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