David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants

(Darren Dugan) #1

quickly, he warned them, or there would
be trouble.
Forty-five minutes passed, and the
soldiers emerged with their haul: fifteen
pistols, a rifle, a Schmeisser submachine
gun, and a cache of explosives and
ammunition. The patrol packed up and
left, turning onto a side street that would
take them out of the Lower Falls. In the
interim, however, a small crowd had
gathered, and as the armored cars turned
the corner, a number of young men ran
forward and started throwing stones at
the soldiers. The patrol stopped. The
crowd grew angry. The soldiers
responded with tear gas. The crowd
grew angrier. Stones turned to petrol
bombs and petrol bombs to bullets. A

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