David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants

(Darren Dugan) #1

taxi driver said he had seen someone
carrying a submachine gun heading for
Balkan Street. The rioters set up
roadblocks to slow the army’s advance:
a truck was set ablaze, blocking the end
of the street. The soldiers fired even
more tear gas, until the wind had carried
it clear across the Lower Falls. The
crowd grew angrier still.
Why did the patrol stop? Why didn’t
they just keep going? Lingering in the
neighborhood is exactly what the priest
told them not to do. The priest went
back to the soldiers and pleaded with
them again. If they stopped the tear gas,
he said, he would get the crowd to stop
throwing stones. The soldiers didn’t

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