David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants

(Darren Dugan) #1

children of the Lower Falls.^9 He told his
men to stop.
“You have to understand, the march
was still coming down the road, and the
people at the back hadn’t a clue what
was going on at the front,” Lawlor went
on. “They kept coming. Women were
crying. People started coming out of
their houses—pulling people in because
there were so many injured. Once all the
people started coming out of their
houses, the Brits lost control. Everyone
came out on the streets—hundreds and
hundreds of people. It was like a domino
effect. One street they’d come out, next
thing you know, doors are opening on
another street, another street, and another

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