David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants

(Darren Dugan) #1

its way through the city and ends up in
the “Field,” a large staging area where
the crowd gathers for public speeches.
Here is a sample of one speech given in

  1. Keep in mind that this is after the
    Downing Street Declaration that
    officially began the peace process in
    Northern Ireland:
    We have read the history books, from
    200 years ago. The Roman Catholics
    forming into groups known as the
    Defenders, to get rid of the so called
    heretic dogs, better known by you and
    I as Protestant people. Well today is
    no different from 1795. There is a
    Pope on the throne, a Polish Pope
    who was around in the days of Hitler
    and the concentration camps of

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