David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants

(Darren Dugan) #1

man now. He limps and has lost most of
his hair. He sat at a table in his study, in
his rambling Mission-style home in
Fresno not more than a five-minute drive
from the street where his daughter was
shot. On the wall behind him was a
photograph of Kimber. In the kitchen,
next door, was a painting of Kimber
with angel’s wings, ascending to heaven.
“You may fight with your wife,” he went
on, his voice filled with the emotion of
the memory. “But your daughter is kind
of like the princess—she can do no
wrong. And for that matter, her dad is
the guy who can fix anything, from a
broken tricycle to a broken heart. Daddy
can fix everything, and when this

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