David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants

(Darren Dugan) #1

rescue ’em from drowning or some other
crazy thing. But how many people get a
chance to save six people’s lives each
and every day? I mean, I think, I’m so
He paused, as if he were going back
over all that had happened in the nearly
twenty years since he made that promise
to Kimber. He was remarkably articulate
and persuasive. It was obvious how,
even in the midst of overwhelming grief,
he would have been so compelling all
those years ago on the Ray Appleton
show. He started up again: “Think about
the guy that invented safety belts. Do you
know his name? I don’t. I’ve got no clue.
But think about how many guys that are
safe, or people that are safe, as a result

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