David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants

(Darren Dugan) #1

was just sixteen years, and you’d do
eight,” Mike Reynolds explained. He
was describing California before his
Three Strikes revolution. “It became a
very viable option to go into the crime
business. The human psyche follows the
course of least resistance. The course of
least resistance is what’s easy, and it’s a
hell of a lot easier to go out and rob and
steal and suck drugs than it is to go out
and bust your ass forty hours a week and
punch in on a job and take a lot of shit
off customers. Who needs that? I can go
out there and wave a gun around and
make as much as I want as fast as I want,
and if I get caught, ninety-five percent of
all cases get plea-bargained down. They

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