David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants

(Darren Dugan) #1

not far from the Derksens. He had a
history of sexual offenses and had spent
most of his adult life behind bars. In
January of 2011, Grant was brought to
Derksen says that she was terrified.
She didn’t know how she would react.
Her daughter’s memory had been settled
in her mind, and now everything was
being dredged up. She sat in the
courtroom. Grant was puffed up, pasty-
looking. His hair was white. He looked
unwell and diminished. “His anger
toward us, his hostility, were so weird,”
she said. “I didn’t know why he was
angry with us, when we should have
been angry with him. It probably wasn’t
until the very end of the preliminary

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