David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants

(Darren Dugan) #1

court. The full-court press is legs, not
arms. It supplants ability with effort. It is
basketball for those who, like
Lawrence’s Bedouin, are “quite unused
to formal warfare, whose assets [are]
movement, endurance, individual
“It’s an exhausting strategy,” Roger
Craig said. He and Ranadivé were in a
conference room at Ranadivé’s software
company, reminiscing about their dream
season. Ranadivé was at the whiteboard,
diagramming the intricacies of the
Redwood City press. Craig was sitting
at the table.
“My girls had to be more fit than the
others,” Ranadivé said.

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