David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants

(Darren Dugan) #1

glittering armor. But so much of what is
beautiful and valuable in the world
comes from the shepherd, who has more
strength and purpose than we ever
The eldest son of Magda and André
Trocmé was Jean-Pierre. He was a
sensitive and gifted adolescent. André
Trocmé was devoted to him. One
evening near the end of the war, the
family went to see a recital of Villon’s
poem “The Ballad of the Hanged Men.”
The next night, they came home from
dinner and found Jean-Pierre hanging
from a noose in the bathroom. Trocmé
stumbled into the woods, crying out,
“Jean-Pierre! Jean-Pierre!” Later, he

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