David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants

(Darren Dugan) #1

so that our heart rate never rests. We are
always working.” Seven seconds! The
coaches who come to Louisville sit in
the stands and watch that ceaseless
activity and despair. To play by David’s
rules you have to be desperate. You
have to be so bad that you have no
choice. Their teams are just good enough
that they know it could never work.
Their players could never be convinced
to play that hard. They were not
desperate enough. But Ranadivé? Oh, he
was desperate. You would think, looking
at his girls, that their complete inability
to pass and dribble and shoot was their
greatest disadvantage. But it wasn’t, was
it? It was what made their winning
strategy possible.

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