
(Michael S) #1

work, to Mrs. I. Jeczalikowa, for her effort in translating the original text, to Mrs.

Sylvia Laverton, F.R.I.C. for her excellent achievement in the difficult task of tidying
up the English text, and to the publishers, both English-Mr. Robert Maxwell, M.C..

and Polish-Mr. A. Bromberg, for giving me every help.

Finally I would like to express my thanks to all editors and authors who have

granted their permission to reproduce the figures and diagrams reprinted from

their work.
With the large field dealt with in the book, many important papers must have

been overlooked and I should be grateful if readers would call my attention to any

omissions so that corrections and additions could be made in the future.

T. Urbanski

Department of Organic Technology,

Warszawa 10,
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