on the electron diffraction of nitric acid vapour and measurements of the Raman
spectrum of anhydrous nitric acid by Chedin [6].
Nitric acid molecules are linked by hydrogen bonds. This assumption was
based originally on the results of studies of the nitric acid absorption spectrum
in the very near infra-red (ca. 1μ) by Badger and Bauer [7], Dalmon [8], Dalmon
and Freymann [9] and also on the X-ray investigation by Luzzati [10] (Fig. 16).
FIG. 1. (a) Bond distances and bond angles of the molecule of nitric acid (Maxwell
and Mosley [5]); (b) Crystalline nitric acid: molecules of nitric acid associated
through hydrogen bonds (Luzzati [10]).
More recent infra-red investigations have confirmed the existence of hydro-
gen bonds. According to Ingold, Cohn and Poole [40] they exist even in the va-
pour phase.
The association of the molecules is presented by a chain (I) or a ring (II) formula.
In both cases hydrogen bonds are present between the OH and NO 2 groups.
Gillespie and Millen [11] suggested another form of presentation of the associa-
tion of nitric acid molecules by means of hydrogen bonds. They assumed that
oxygen atoms linked by hydrogen bonds are tetrahedrally coordinated as in water
molecules (III) :