permanent and transient solubility of a-trinitrotoluene in solutions of sodium sul-
phite of different concentrations. The trend of the curves is similar to that found
earlier by Barbiére [145].
FIG. 76. Influence of the temperature of sulphitation on the solubility of α− trinitro-
toluene at different concentrations of sodium sulphite (Smolenski and
Plucinski [146]).
FIG. 77. Influence of the time of sulphitation on the solubility of a-trinitro-
toluene at different temperatures and constant concentration (4%) of sodium sulphite
(Smolenski and Plucinski [146]).
The influence of the time of sulphitation on the solubility of β− and γ− trinitroto-
luene at different temperatures according to D. Smolenski and Plucinski [146]
is given on the Fig. 77.