
(Michael S) #1

FIG. 81. Flow sheet of the old method of manufacture of TNT in U.S.S.R. (Gorst ([7]).

Here the acid is stirred with MNT to extract dissolved DNT. The mixture from

the “bubbler” passes through (11) to the separator (12). The acid freed from DNT

enters the separation column (14) and from the column passes to the mixing house

to make mononitration acid.

MNT enriched with DNT flows from (12) through (25) to the dinitrator (17) fed with
the acid through (16). After nitration the contents pass through (18) to the seperating
column (19). The separated acid flows through (20) and (9) to the “bubbler” (10).
The separated DNT flows from the column via the egg (21) and the measuring tank
(22) to the trinitrator (24). The nitrating acid flows in from the measuring tank (23).
The nitrator contents pass through (25), to the separator (26). TNT from the separator
flows to the washing vat (29) and the spent acid to the column (27). Spent acid is sent
through the egg (28) to the mixing house. Washed TNT is poured into the pans (39)
where it solidifies. The wash water enters the labyrinth (31) and after geos to waste.
The spent acid from the trinitration stage is partly used to make mono- and
di-nitration acids, and the rest is diluted to 70-72% H 2 SO 4 to separate dissolved
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