
(Michael S) #1

Later chemical investigations were aimed at establishing the conditions under
which individual nitronaphthalenes could be formed. From the numerous investi-
gations on the subject some of the more important work will be mentioned below.
Piria [10], by reacting naphthalene with nitric acid at room temperature for
5-6 days obtained mononitronaphthalene.
Roussin [11] prepared a mixture of mono- and di-nitronaphthalenes which he
was able to separate by utilizing the fact that the latter is not soluble in carbon
Troost [12] obtained nitro- and dinitro-naphthalenes by successive nitration
of naphthalene. Darmstädter and Wichelhaus [13] found that the dinitronaphthalene
thus obtained was a mixture of the two isomers.
More detailed studies had been carried out by d’Aguiar [14] who checked the
results previously found. He isolated the following naphthalene derivatives :

two dinitronaphthalenes α and β (see p. 427)
three trinitronaphthalenes α,β and so called δ (see p. 431)
and two tetranitronaphthalenes α and β (see p. 434)

Beilstein and Kuhlberg [15] and Beilstein and Kurbatov [16] reinvestigated the
methods of preparation and properties of dinitro derivatives of naphthalene and
obtained a new product, γ− trinitronaphthalene.
The constitution of α−, γ− and δ− trinitronaphthalenes as well as of β−, δ− and
γ− tetranitronaphthalenes has been determined by Will [17]. Friedländer [18]
extended these investigations on β− trinitronaphthalene.
However, Dimroth and Ruck [18a] found that some of Will’s data required
correction: 1,2,5-trinitronaphthalene ( δ according to Will’s annotation) does not
exist and δ− tetranitronaphthalene possesses the structure 1,4,5,8- and not 1,2,5,8,-
as Will suggested.
The conditions under which mono-, di-, tri- and tetra-nitronaphthalenes are
formed were investigated in detail by Patart [19] in extensive experimental work.
By applying similar conditions (temperature and time) for the nitration of naph-
thalene with various nitrating mixtures, Patart determined the compositions of
the products (the number of nitro groups) from the pressures they produced in
a manometric bomb. The pressures, produced by pure substances were known,
viz. :
nitronaphthalene (MNN) 927 kg/cm^2
dinitronaphthalene (DNN) 2296 kg/cm^2
trinitronaphthalene (TNN) 3280 kg/cm^2
tetranitronaphthalene (TetraNN) 3793 kg/cm^2

Similar experiments were carried out with the products of nitration of dinitronaph-
Later Sapozhnikov [20] used Patart’s data [19] for his triangular diagram,
representing nitration of naphthalene (Figs. 104). In Fig. 105 and 106 the nitration
curves for naphthalene and dinitronaphthalene are shown (Pascal [21]).


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