H 3 NO 3 2+ -> NO 2 + + H 3 O+ (16)
Krejci, Novotny and Ruzicka [79] have also recently examined the viscosities
of mixtures of nitric and sulphuric acids with water from the point of view of their
practical importance.
In 1961 Hackel, T. Urbanski, Kutkiewicz and Sterninski [80] have examined
the viscosities of these mixtures and presented the results as the curves of a tri-
angular diagram (Fig. 15). It can be seen that a maximum viscosity exists for the
solution containing 20-25 mole % of sulphuric acid, i.e. for the compound
(HNO 3 ) 3 .H 2 SO 4.
The first attempts to study nitration kinetics were made by L. Meyer and co-
workers [81,82]. It was in their publication that for the first time a statement
appeared that the nitration reaction is irreversible and that its rate decreases with
Martinsen [83] observed already in 1905 that the rate of nitration of nitrobenzene
with a mixture of nitric and sulphuric acids depends on the concentration of
sulphuric acid, viz. it increases with the concentration up to 88.7% H 2 SO 4 ,
after which further increase in sulphuric acid concentration results in a de-
creasing rate of nitration.
In 1924, Klemenc and Schöller [34] stated that m- xylene-2,6-disulphonic acid
is nitrated with nitric anhydride in sulphuric acid twice as rapidly as when it is
nitrated with nitric acid in sulphuric acid, the molar concentration being the same.
This was illustrated in the following scheme, where the nitrating agent was denoted
by X:
It is clear, that the scheme corresponds to the eqn. (5). It follows that the
concentration of NO 2 + ions from N 2 O 5 is twice as high as that of NO 2 + ions
from HNO 3 (see eqn. 19).
J. A. Hetherington and Masson [84], basing their views on the studies of benzene
nitration kinetics, stated that the reaction of nitrobenzene nitrated with a mixture
of HNO 3 , H 2 SO 4 and H 2 O would stop before all the nitric acid was used if
the amount of sulphuric acid in the mixture was insufficient to form the H 2 SO 4 .H 2 O