
(Michael S) #1


spiratory tract and of the middle ear. Instances of perforation of the nasal wall are

also known. In more severe cases an intense headache appears, as well as abnormally

high temperature, dizziness, spasms,disturbances of the digestive organs, anaemia

and more rarely kidney trouble. In women menstrual disturbances may occur. More

or less severe eczema may also appear.
According to Nawrocki and his co-workers [69], a concentration of picric acid

in air amounting to 1-17.5 mg/m

may cause severe poisoning after six hours’ expo-

Koelsch [67] suggested the following protective measures when working with

picric acid. Adequate ventilation to prevent the accumulation of picric acid dust,

protective clothing including gloves and head coverings to cover as large an area

of the skin as possible and washing the face and the hands and rinsing the mouth

before meals. Taking meals in working quarters should be forbidden. Workers

should be subjected to medical inspection at regular intervals.

Karplus [70] found that in man or in animals picric acid undergoes partial

conversion into the more toxic picramic acid:


According to Ishiwara [71], after a 30 min action a 0.04% aqueous solution of

picric acid exhibits bactericidal activity against typhoid bacteria, staphylococci,

streptococci and gonococci.


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  2. HAUSSMANN, J. phys. 32, 162 (1788).

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  4. H. BRACONNOT, Ann. chim. (1808).

  5. M. E. CHEVREUL, Ann. chim. [l], 72, 113 (1809).

  6. J. DUMAS, Ann. 39, 350 (1841); Ann. chim. [2], 53, 178 (1841).

  7. MARCHAND, J. prakt. Chem. [l], 23, 363 (1841).

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  9. R. SCHMIDT and L. GLUTZ, Ber. 2, 52 (1869).

  10. DESIGNOLLE, see H. KAST, Spreng- und Zündstoffe, p. 8, Vieweg & Sohn, 1921.

  11. M. BRUGÈRE, Compt. rend. 69, 716 (1869); Mém. poudres 2, 15 (1884-1889).

  12. F. ABEL, Chem. News. 24, 127 (1871).

  13. H. SPRENGEL, J. Chem. Soc. 26, 803 (1873).

  14. E. TURPIN, Fr. Pat. 167512 (1885); Brit. Pat. 15089 (1885); Ger. Pat. 38734 (1886).

  15. S. V. PANPUSHKO, according to H. GORST, Porokha i vzryvchatyye veshchesrva, Oborongiz.
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