may be removed from time to time through door (3). Crystals of the required
size pass through the gauze into hopper (4).
FIG. 121. Chamber drier for picric acid (Lebedev [5]).
The sieve is hung on straps from the ceiling and is kept in oscillating motion
by means of an eccentric driven from a compartment adjacent to that in which the
screening installation is located. The end product is transported in leakproof chests
or in paper-lined barrels.
FIG. 122. Sieve for picric acid (Pascal [2]).
The nitration of dinitrophenol is the most modern commercial method for the
production of picric acid from chlorobenzene via chlorodinitrobenzene (for prep-
aration of dinitrophenol from chlorodinitrobenzene, see p. 484).
Both dry and moist dinitrophenol may be nitrated, though the dry product
is usually used.
Lebedev [5] describes the production process used in the U.S.S.R. Dinitro-
phenol from the centrifuge, containing 10-15% of moisture, is dried to obtain a prod-
uct with only about 0.5% of moisture (drying is effected in picric acid driers).
Since the purity of picric acid depends to a high degree on the purity of the
dinitrophenol, the quality standards for the latter should be strictly observed (see
p. 486).