
(Michael S) #1

Bofors Nobelkrut, 362
Boron trifluoride, 46, 47
Borneo petroleum, 404
Borneo& 59
Bornylene, nitro derivatives of, 59
Bromination catalyst, 61
Bromobenzene, nitration of, 69, 72, 73
m- Bromobenzoic acid, 205
o- Bromobenzoic acid, 205
p- Bromobenzoic acid, 205
2-Bromo-3,5-dinitropyridine, 199
p- Bromonitrobenzene, 200
2-Bromonitrocyclohexane, 100
2-Bromo-6-nitrothymol, 128
Bromotoluene, nitration of, 69
Butane, nitration of, 87

Camphene, nitro derivatives of, 59
Camphor, 54
Carbonit A. G., 417 (421), 553, 554 (555)
Charge transfer compounds, 221
Cheddit, 423
Chematur A. B., 371, 374, 375 (393)
Chloramphenicol, 4
Chlorates, 1, 2
Chloric acid, derivatives of, 1
Chlorine atom, reactivity of, 197
Chloroacetanilide, nitration of, 66, 67
m- Chloroacetanilide, nitration of, 70
o- Chloroacetanilide, nitration of, 70
nitration of, 68, 69, 72, 73, 425, 458, 459
side reactions in nitration of, 75
Chlorodinitrobenzene, hydrolysis of, 484
Chloro-2,3-dinitrobenzene, ‘nitration of, 71
1-Chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene, 199,200,209,458
4-Chloro-2,6-dinitrophenol, 118
2-Chloro-3,5-dinitropyridine, 199
2-Chloroethyl nitrate, 108
Chloronitrobenzene, 450
separation of isomers, 457
m- Chloronitrobenzene, 121
o- Chloronitrobenzene, manufacture of, 456
p- Chloronitrobenzene, 200
manufacture of, 456
1-Chloro-2-nitrocyclohexadiene, 58, 108
1-Chloro-2-nitroethane, 108
1-Chloro-2-nitro-l-phenylethane, 108

2-Chloro-1-nitropropane, 108
Chloropicrin, 75, 124, 225
Chlorotoluenes, nitration of, 68
l-Chloro-2,4,5-trinitrobenzene, 459, 465
1-Chloro-2,4,6-trinitrobenzene, 199, 459
“Chromogen”, 20. 21
Ciamician and Silber’s reaction, 307
Cinnamic aldehyde, 54
Cobalt nitrite, 45
Coefficient of dehydration, 141
Commercial Solvents Corporation, 582, 584
of mixtures, 17
nitric acid, 19
sulphuric acid 17, 19
Conductometric studies, 17
Constam and Schlaepfer’s method, 581
of nitro group, 165
unsymmetrical trinitrotoluenes, 336
Continuous nitration of phenolsulphonic acid,
Copper nitrite, 46
Cresilite, 532
m- Cresol, 532
o- Cresol, 121
p- Creso1, 121
nitration of, 67
carbonate, nitration of, 67
Cyanogen, 1
Cyclohexane, nitration of, 84
Cyclonite, 22, 295
Cycloparaffins, nitration of, 87
p- Cymene, 40

Dehydrating value of sulphuric acid (D. V. S.),
139, 140
Density of loading of a-trinitrotoluene, 296
Density of picric acid, 490
Derrien’s reaction, 479
Detoluation, 351
Deuterobenzene, 37
Diaminodinitrophenol, 532
Diazo compounds, oxidation of, 131
Diazomethane, 194
Dibenzyl derivatives, 269, 270
2,5-Dibromonitrobenzene, nitration of, 71
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