Complementary & Alternative Medicine for Mental Health

(sharon) #1


Vellas, B., Coley, N., Ousset, P.-J., Berrut, G., Dartigues, J.-F. Dubois, B., Grandjean, H., Pasquier, F., Piette, F.,
Robert, P., Touchon, J., Garnier, P., Mathiex-Fortunet, H. & Andrieu, S., for the GuidAge Study Group,
“Long-term Use of Standardised Ginkgo Biloba Extract for the Prevention of Alzheimer's Disease (GuidAge): a
Randomised Placebo-controlled Trial, The Lancet Neurology: 11(10):851-859 (2012),
doi:10.1016/S1474-4422(12)70206-5, Published Online: 06 September 2012.

(^25) Id.
(^27) Id.
(^28) See Williamson, J. D., Vellas, B., Furberg, C., Nahin, R., Dekosky, S. T., “Comparison of the Design Differences
Between the Ginkgo Evaluation Of Memory Study and the GuidAge Study” Journal of Nutrition, Health &
Aging 12(1):73S-9S (2008).
Mischoulon and Rosenbaum, op. cit. at 170.
(^30) Id. at 183, citing Zhang, X.Y., Zhou, D.F., Cao, L.Y. & Wu, G.Y., op. cit.
(^31) Brown et al., op. cit. at side effect tables, 137t,191t, etc.
(^32) Fugh-Berman and Cott, op. cit. at 715-717.
(^33) Mischoulon and Rosenbaum, op. cit. at 186.

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