Complementary & Alternative Medicine for Mental Health

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 Brown et al. reviewed 14 controlled trials and determined that melatonin is effective in
treating delayed sleep-phase disorder (DSPD), also known as delayed sleep-phase
syndrome (DSPS) or delayed sleep-phase type (DSPT), a circadian rhythm sleep
disorder affecting the timing of sleep, the peak period of alertness, the core body
temperature rhythm, hormonal and other daily rhythms.^9 According to Brown et al.,
melatonin is also useful in treating insomnia in people with autism, epilepsy and
developmental disabilities.^10
 With regard to insomnia, Mayo states that research with older adults has shown a
decline in sleep latency (time needed to get to sleep) if melatonin is taken at least a
half hour before bedtime. Mayo emphasizes that it is unknown whether melatonin can
help them stay asleep, or whether its effects would carry over in younger people. In
addition, Mayo cautions that the studies have been flawed and that little is known of
long-term effects of melatonin. Comparison with other insomnia medications is also

  1. SUGGESTED BUT UNPROVEN USES: SCHIZOPHRENIA: Brown et al. suggest that melatonin
    is helpful in dealing with the side effects of treatment for schizophrenia, particularly
    tardive dyskinesia and weight gain.^11 These studies are small in scale but suggestive, and
    worth considering until further research is done. Of course, complementary use of
    melatonin with psychotropic drugs should always be discussed with the prescribing
    physician due to the usual polypharmacy concerns. However, given the mildness of the side
    effects of melatonin, such complementary use should be considered if the side effects of
    psychotropic medication develop or are feared. The Natural Standard concurs:
    “Preliminary reports suggest that melatonin may aid in reversing ... tardive dyskinesia
    associated with [use of] haloperidol (Haldol).”

    ADJUSTMENT: Brown et al. also recommend melatonin for benzodiazepine withdrawal
    and high-altitude adaptation.^12 Brown et al. state that consumers who experience cognitive

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