Complementary & Alternative Medicine for Mental Health

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disease. In an eight year prospective study of 1200 elderly subjects, those with low serum
DHA had a 67% greater chance of developing Alzheimer's disease than those with high DHA.
In a double-blind randomized placebo-controlled study of 174 very mildly impaired
Alzheimer's disease patients, 600 mg of EPA per day slowed cognitive decline over a six-
month period. The 2012 Oregon Brain Study results confirmed the coincidence of higher
omega-3 levels and higher cognitive function.^36 Brown et al. concede that more studies are
needed to confirm or refute the potential neural protective effects of omega-3s suggested
by these studies. Berkeley Wellness adds that research suggests that omega-3's may "help
preserve cognitive function in older people."^37

     Brown, Gerbarg, Mischoulon, Freeman, Weil and Stoll all consider omega-3s to be
    potentially beneficial for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). A 2011 review
    and meta-analysis of ten studies by Bloch et al, cited in Brown et al. II, showed a
    “modest but significant benefit in reducing ADHD symptoms from formulas rich in EPA.^38
     In his book, ADHD Without Drugs,^39 Sanford Newmark, M.D., an integrative pediatrician
    and colleague of Weil’s, summarizes the evidence. Newmark concludes that: “In my
    opinion, every single child who has ADHD would benefit from taking, or needs to have at
    least tried, a daily omega-3 fatty acid supplement.”^40 He starts with the proposition that
    children with ADHD have lower omega-3 levels in their bodies as a result of an unknown
    metabolic process related to their condition.^41 Then, disregarding the studies in which
    the children took stimulants in addition to omega-3s, he demonstrates the
    improvement in symptoms when children with ADHD are given omega-3 supplements
    as monotherapy. In one study, in which 40 children were given either a fish oil
    supplement or olive oil placebo every day for three months, the children taking the fish
    oil improved significantly in their ADHD symptoms as well as in measures of learning
    ability. In fact, on almost every measure, including attention, hyperactivity, and
    cognition, the children taking fish oil showed substantial improvement, whereas those
    taking placebo had minimal or no improvement.^42 In another study, this same group of

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