Complementary & Alternative Medicine for Mental Health

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researchers looked at improvements in reading, with subjects taking omega-3's showing
a 9.5 month increase in reading skills over the three months of the study, compared to
3.3 month increase in reading skills for the placebo group.^43
 In Non-Drug Treatments for ADHD, Brown, R.P. and Gerbarg, P.L.^44 encourage trials of
EPA/DHA particularly in subtypes of ADHD that have shown better responses:
hyperactive, inattentive, or mixed.^45
 A recent meta-analysis of 10 reliable studies by Bloch and Qawasmi^46 found no
significant difference in the efficacy of omega-3 treatment for ADHD based on whether
the supplementation was given as monotherapy or as adjunctive treatment with
traditional ADHD drugs. Finding that the studies are split, and that the ratio of EPA to
DHA in the zone is a critical uncontrolled variable (generally, Bloch and Qawasmi found,
the higher the EPA dose, the greater the effect), the meta-analysis recommended
against monotherapy if the ADHD symptoms are severe, opting for adjunctive treatment
as “a reasonable treatment strategy as augmentation to traditional pharmacotherapy
or for those families reticent to use [stimulants].”^47 They emphasized that the efficacy
of omega 3s appears to be “modest” compared to other available drug treatments for

  1. SUGGESTED BUT UNPROVEN USES: OTHER CONDITIONS: Weil adds seasonal affective
    disorder.^48 Lake and Spiegel add violent and impulsive behavior and dyslexia.^49 Writing in
    Brown et al. II, Mischoulon and Freeman add self-harm and childhood mood disorders. Of
    great interest in light of the ongoing controversy over EPA to DHA ratios, a military suicide
    study reported by Mischoulon and Freeman showed that higher serum DHA appeared to
    have a greater protective effect.^50 These indications are all encouraging but preliminary.

     The Natural Standard points out the theoretical potential of interaction with aspirin,
    anticoagulants such as warfarin (Coumadin) or heparin, anti-platelet drugs such as
    clopidogrel (Plavix), and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen

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