Complementary & Alternative Medicine for Mental Health

(sharon) #1

 Evidence for the safety and appropriateness of rhodiola use during pregnancy and
lactation is not currently available, and rhodiola is therefore not recommended for
pregnant women or during breastfeeding. Likewise, safety and dosages for children
have not been demonstrated. Brown and Gerbarg note that rhodiola has been used in
small doses for children as young as 10 years of age without adverse effects but
emphasize that dosages for children (8-12 years old) must be small and carefully titrated
to avoid overstimulation.

Rhodiola is a very promising treatment for stress and mild to moderate depression and as a
neuroprotectant and is promising for a number of other mental health conditions. The risk of
drug interactions and side effects is minimal, but consumers using antianxiety, antibiotic, or
antidepressant medications, birth control pills, or diabetic and thyroid drugs should consult
with the prescribing physician. Rhodiola is just becoming known in America, and is being
popularized by experts like Brown, Gerbarg, Mischoulon, and Weil. Although much more study
is needed, it appears to have a promising future in low-risk mental health treatment and self-

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