Complementary & Alternative Medicine for Mental Health

(sharon) #1

a standardized amount of 3 percent rosavins and 0.8–1 percent salidroside because the
naturally occurring ratio of these compounds in Rhodiola rosea root is approximately 3:1.
Rhodiola is obtained by drying and grinding the root. It contains many biologically active
substances. Its stimulating and adaptogenic properties are attributed to p-tyrosol,
salidroside, rosavins, and additional phenolic compounds.
Specific neurochemical mechanisms have been documented for some but not all of the
bioactive compounds. The combined effects differ from the effects of isolated components.
Rhodiola extracts are standardized for both rosavins and salidroside. The standardized
Swedish Herbal Institute formula, SHR-5, is commonly used in the newer studies of
depression, cognitive function and fatigue.

  1. ESTABLISHED USES: Soviet studies have led to wide use of rhodiola in Russia, the former
    Soviet Union, and Scandinavia to combat stress, fatigue, anxiety, depression, and cognitive
    impairment, including brain injury, and to promote strength, endurance, and physical and
    mental performance.

    the sources consulted for this outline concur that rhodiola is a promising and relatively
    benign treatment for a number of mental health conditions, including stress,
    neuroprotection (“cognitive stimulation” and improvement in “cognitive deficiencies” and
    memory) and mild to moderate depression. The Natural Standard mildly but decisively

 Rhodiola has long been classified by Soviet researchers as an “adaptogen,” a substance
that nonspecifically increases the resistance of an organism to a variety of chemical,
biological, and physical stressors.
 The Soviet Union began testing rhodiola as far back as the 1960s for enhancement of
mental and physical performance, aiming at military, space exploration, and sports
applications. According to Brown et al., Soviet scientists found that rhodiola was
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