Complementary & Alternative Medicine for Mental Health

(sharon) #1
medications that compromise liver function.
 Mild nausea is the most common side effect and can be alleviated by taking SAM-e with
 Like any other activating anti-depressant, SAM-e can worsen underlying agitation, panic,
or anxiety. Accompanying use of a mood stabilizer is essential if there is any indication
of mania or bipolar disorder. In the absence of bipolar symptoms, a calming agent can
be used to deal with any undesirable activating effects of SAM-e.
 SAM-e has not been studied in children or in pregnant or breast-feeding women.
Accordingly, although there are no contraindications, it cannot be recommended.


 There are no known drug interactions with SAM-e.
 In fact, SAM-e may help prevent other drugs from interacting with the liver.


More like a vitamin than a drug, SAM-e is a natural metabolite that the body needs more of as
we age or if we become ill. SAM-e is generally safe and evidence-based for the treatment of
depression. It is also a promising neuroprotectant and may be helpful in treating ADHD. If it
were not for the expense and the lack of insurance reimbursement, it would be preferred over
most prescription antidepressants.

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