Complementary & Alternative Medicine for Mental Health

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(30 IU), N-acetyl cysteine (600 mg), acetyl-L-carnitine (500 mg), and 400 mg of SAM-e.^11
As stated in the Chan, Paskavitz, Remington, Rasmussen, & Shea study, “Preclinical
studies ... demonstrate that the constituents of this formulation provide
neuroprotection against oxidative stress, decrease PS-1 expression, γ-secretase^12
activity, Abeta generation and tau phosphorylation, increase GSH, ATP, and
acetylcholine, compensate for ApoE deficiency, prevent cognitive decline, and decrease
aggression. These are the principal clinical markers of dementia.
 The initial two nutriceutical formulation studies, first, an open label study of people with
early Alzheimer’s Disease and second, double-blind and placebo-controlled study of
people without dementia, showed significant improvement in cognitive performance
and lessening of behavioral difficulties in all age cohorts below age 74. Of course,
variations in the nutriceutical formulation might or might not change these results, and
differential studies are needed, but the studies as a whole point to a promising avenue
for supplementation with SAM-e in combination with other nutrients.
 Chan et al. found improved performance of the early Alzheimer’s group against historic
placebo groups in both the Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI) and the Alzheimer's
Disease Cooperative Study-Activities of Daily Living (ADSC-ADL) measurements. The
preliminary findings also demonstrated NPI performance, “apparently equivalent to
that of individuals receiving donepezil and apparently superior to that of individuals
receiving galantamine or placebo.”^13
 Chan et al. suggest that SAM-e may be the most important constituent of the
formulation, but they stress that: “the impact of simultaneous administration of
multiple agents provided superior neuroprotection.”^14 Remington, Chan, Paskavitz &
Shea^15 took the next step and did a small double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of the
same neutriceutical formulation with SAM-e on 12 institutionalized patients diagnosed
with moderate- to late-stage Alzheimer’s Disease. Participants receiving the
formulation demonstrated a clinically significant delay in decline in the Dementia Rating
Scale and clock-drawing test as compared to those receiving placebo. Institutional
caregivers reported approximately 30% improvement in the Neuropyschiatric Inventory

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