Complementary & Alternative Medicine for Mental Health

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and maintenance of performance in the Alzheimer's Disease Cooperative Study-
Activities of Daily Living for more than 9 months. This formulation holds promise for
delaying the decline in cognition, mood, and daily function that accompanies the
progression of Alzheimer's disease, and may be particularly useful as a supplement for
pharmacological approaches during later stages of this disorder.^16
 An Italian review of omega-3 essential fatty acids and SAM-e recommended dual
supplementation (with nutriceuticals added) for “very mild” Alzheimer’s disease and
mild cognitive impairment (Panza et al., epub 2006).^17
 .In Brown et al. II, Bottiglieri states that even without other nutriceuticals, there is
“significant” evidence that SAM-e can, “improve measures of cognitive function as well
as mood and speed of mental processing.”^18
 Further research on the potential use of SAM-e for neuroprotection in combination with
other nutrients could be extremely beneficial.

  1. SUGGESTED BUT UNPROVEN USES: ADHD: Brown and Gerbarg cite one 4-week open-label
    study of eight men with adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder that showed
    significant improvement in measures of ADHD as well as mood in 75% of the subjects.^19
    Brown and Gerbarg recommend SAM-e in ADHD if there has been an incomplete response
    to other medications, stimulants are not well-tolerated or have lost effectiveness over time,
    or the person is experiencing depression as well as ADHD.^20

     Brown et al. state that there are no proven reported adverse reactions with other
    medications and that SAM-e protects the liver from the adverse effects of other
    medications. Studies have demonstrated that SAM-e can improve liver function in
    patients with gallstones, infectious hepatitis, alcohol-related liver disease, or elevated
    liver enzymes due to medication toxicity.^21 Thus, SAM-e can safely augment the
    beneficial effects of other anti-depressants. According to Brown et al., it has an
    electroencephalogram profile similar to tricyclic anti-depressants and is the only

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