Complementary & Alternative Medicine for Mental Health

(sharon) #1
200 to 300 mg per day, with dose scheduling ranging two- to four-times per day. Their
recommended dosing frequency was three times per day.

  1. RESEARCH: Long-term outcomes -- benefits and liabilities from continuing treatment with 5-
    HTP or tryptophan and comparative assessment with other drugs -- require further
    investigation, as do the systematic tracking, reporting and quantification of adverse effects.
    The studies are all old, small, and short-term. Despite its popularity, 5-HTP is truly an
    orphan supplement. Research needs to consider long-term as well as short-term effects and
    needs to catch up with consumer use. Prompt government and academic attention are


Lake, J.A. and Spiegel, D., Complementary and Alternative Treatments in Mental Health Care, American
Psychiatric Publishing, Inc., Washington (2007), at 135.

(^2) Walinder, J., Skott, A., Carlsson, A., Nagy, A. &, Bjorn-Erik, R., “Potentiation of the Antidepressant Action of
Clomipramine by Tryptophan,” Arch. Gen. Psychiatry 33:1384 – 9 (1976).
(^3) Iovieno, N., Dalton E. D., Fava, M. & Mischoulon, D., “Second-tier Natural Antidepressants: Review and Critique,”
Journal of Affective Disorders 130(3):343-57 (2011), at 350.
(^4) Das, Y.T., Bagchi, M., Bagchi, D. & Preuss, H.G., “Safety of 5-HTP,” Toxicology Letters 150(1):111-122 (2004).
(^5) Turner, E.H., Loftus, J.M. & Blackwell, A.D., “Serotonin à la Carte: Supplementation with the Serotonin Precursor
5 - HTP,” Pharmacology and Therapeutics 109(3):325-338 (2006).
(^6) Muskin, P.R., Gerbarg, P.L., and Brown, R.P., Complementary and Integrative Therapies for Psychiatric Disorders,
Psychiatric Clinics of North America, copyright Elsevier, Inc., Philadelphia ( 2013 ) (“Brown et al. II”) at 31.
(^7) Lake, J.A. and Spiegel, D., op. cit. at 136.
(^8) Turner et al, op. cit. at 351.
(^9) Das, et al., op. cit. ( 2004 )
(^10) Das, Y.T., Bagchi, M., Bagchi, D. & Preuss, H.G., “Safety of 5 - hydroxy-L-tryptophan,” Toxicol Lett 150(1):111- 22

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