Complementary & Alternative Medicine for Mental Health

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Europe and Japan. In the sleep laboratory, the effects of valerian were not significantly
different from those of placebo, and a 2007 meta-analysis concluded that none of the
rigorous studies found any significant effect of valerian on sleep.
 In recommending valerian, Fugh-Berman and Cott relied on two studies suggesting that
valerian can induce sleep. Both valerian preparations produced a significant decrease in
subjectively evaluated sleep latency scores and improved sleep quality.
 However, in the sleep laboratory, the effects of 900 mg of valerian were not
significantly different from those of placebo, a finding that they suggest may be
explained by the stressful sleep environment obscuring the mild hypnotic action of
 Brown et al. cite a 2006 meta-analysis of 16 valerian studies that concluded that it
might improve sleep without causing side effects.^2 Thus, they list valerian for use with
insomnia. They point out that the valerian has a cumulative effect over time, and
maximal benefit may not be achieved for two weeks. However, Brown et al. II cite the
2010 systematic review by Fernandez-San-Martin et al. that showed subjective
improvement in sleep quality but little objective evidence of improvement in sleep
 Mischoulon and Rosenbaum extensively critique the existing clinical trials, beginning
with the failure to standardize a valerian extract, different doses and dosing schedules,
short terms of treatment, and the blend of symptomatic and non-symptomatic
individuals in the sample. In one suggestive study, 121 people with significant sleep
disturbance responded initially the same as to placebo, but after four weeks, and the
valerian-treated group had a significantly better overall response.^4 This leads to the
suggestion that longer and larger trials of symptomatic people could give a better idea
of the drug’s potential in treating sleep disorders. Although it may not be as effective as
benzodiazepines for treatment of acute conditions, Mischoulon and Rosenbaum
suggest that valerian may be effective in the promotion of natural sleep after several
weeks of use.

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