Complementary & Alternative Medicine for Mental Health

(sharon) #1

  1. FACILITATE PSYCHOTHERAPY: Brown et al. describe six ways that yoga, in addition to
    reducing stress and promoting healing, can facilitate psychotherapy:
     When people in treatment acquire tools like yoga for reducing anxiety, they are better
    able to tolerate the painful memories and emotions that arise during therapy sessions
    as well as in their outside daily life.
     Yoga philosophy and techniques are compatible with most psychotherapeutic
    approaches in that they teach nonjudgmental awareness and dispassionate observation
    of thoughts, feelings, and sensations.
     By practicing yoga, people learn how to observe themselves, how to direct their
    attention, and how to shift their awareness between experiencing emotions and
    observing from a safe distance.
     If treatment has been blocked by emotional numbing, repression, suppression, denial,
    dissociation, or isolation of affect, yoga can sometimes move the treatment forward.
    Yoga can “improve cognitive-emotional integration” and bring unconscious content into
     Introducing mind-body techniques can strengthen the therapeutic alliance by
    empowering the individual to deal directly with stress and reducing dependence on the
    therapist or medication. It is an essential building block of recovery to use tools like yoga
    and meditation to support development of mastery and independence.
     As a person engages in yoga practices, greater awareness, access to memories, and new
    insights often emerge. The therapist can use this material and validate the person under
    treatment in an active and collaborative rather than passive or inferior role in the


 Brown et al. caution that some physical conditions limit practicing yoga and other mind-
body techniques. Pregnancy, uncontrolled hypertension, a recent heart attack or serious
heart disease, seizure disorders, migraine headaches, chronic obstructive pulmonary
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