Complementary & Alternative Medicine for Mental Health

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disorder (COPD), asthma, and physical injuries are all contraindications for rapid or
forceful yoga breathing. They recommend slow, gentle yoga breathing practices as being
both safe and effective. Physical injuries and disabilities may limit the asanas (postures)
that can be practiced or sustained and will require more careful preparation and
practice. A skilled and sensitive teacher is important to avoid injury and make
 People with bipolar disorder may be triggered to become manic, particularly from
Bhastrika, Kapalabhati, Kundalini, or rapid-cycle breathing. Even slow Ujjayi or alternate
nostril breathing may induce mania in some people.^27 Brown et al. state that yoga can
be useful in treating bipolar conditions if the people under treatment can learn to slow
down their breath rate whenever they notice themselves becoming agitated, with the
help of an appropriate teacher.
 Because rapid yoga breathing can lower serum lithium levels, people being treated with
lithium alone should not attempt it. People taking lithium with other mood stabilizers
should be sure that their lithium levels are checked and adjusted to take into account
any effects from rapid yoga breathing.^28
 Severe character disorders and psychosis may make group yoga practice inadvisable,
and rapid yoga breathing can be abused by people experiencing psychotic states seeking
to further alter their consciousness. It is better to avoid yoga if the mental health
condition is that severe. However, as cited above, careful yoga techniques have been
shown to help in reducing stress during inpatient psychiatric treatment and lessening
the effects of schizophrenia. A skilled practitioner can be helpful in setting a pace and
scope of yoga practice suited to the individual.
 Brown et al. state that anxiety disorders and post-traumatic stress disorder can
respond to yoga breathing if the person undergoing the treatment is well-prepared
and sensitively coached. At pp. 110-111, they give detailed recommendations to avoid
triggering a panic attack and to assist in recovery if needed. Obviously, this requires
special training and sensitivity on the part of the yoga instructor.

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