Complementary & Alternative Medicine for Mental Health

(sharon) #1
that empirical evidence must triumph over scriptural authority, and that research can only
reinforce the power of meditation.

  1. These studies all bear watching, as the research proceeds. There is a dearth of research on
    the use of meditation for psychiatric diagnoses, but a broad consensus that mindfulness can
    be very helpful in developing the “emotional resilience” to cope with depression.^32

  2. Berkeley Wellness recently summarized the meditation data:
    “Subjecting meditation to scientific testing is a challenge. States of mind are hard to
    measure. And other forms of relaxation training (for instance, progressive muscle
    relaxation, biofeedback, and stress management) may be just as useful.

Still, research over the past 30 years suggests that mindfulness meditation may help in
conditions such as insomnia, chronic pain, psoriasis, fibromyalgia, and some psychiatric
disorders. It has been shown to alter aspects of the immune, nervous, and endocrine
system and produce changes in areas of the brain associated with memory, learning,
and emotion. Research suggests it may be particularly useful in helping people adhere
to medical treatment and cope with pain, as well as reduce anxiety and depression
associated with illness.” 33

  1. Yoga and meditation are described separately in this outline, but it should be recognized
    that anxiety, stress and attention problems can interfere with a person’s ability to meditate,
    and yoga and other physical disciplines, including exercise and other CAM treatments, can
    help bring about the relaxation response achieved through meditation.

  2. SOFT BELLY: Gordon, whose 2008 comprehensive guide to alternative approaches to
    mental health care is called simply Unstuck, has a more mundane and secular approach. He
    calls therapeutic meditation "soft belly." As described by Gordon, soft belly is a biologically
    powerful concentrative meditation, grounded in slow, deep breathing. When you do soft

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