Complementary & Alternative Medicine for Mental Health

(sharon) #1
belly, you simply allow your belly to rise with the in breath and fall with the out breath,
while you focus on the image of a soft, relaxed belly. According to Gordon, when your belly
is soft, all of the other muscles in your body begin to relax as well. Thus, “soft belly can help
quiet the mental and physical agitation, the persistent fight-or-flight response, and the
chronic stress, [as well as the] exhaustion, hopelessness, and self-condemnation, when we
are depressed.”^34

  1. In addition to TM, Gordon, whose book is a compendium of contemporary integrative
    medical approaches to mental health and substance use conditions, refers readers to
    numerous retreat opportunities, his own Center for Mind-Body Medicine, ,
    and the following traditional meditation resources:
     The Independent Meditation Center Guide,
     Vipassana Meditation,
     Shambhala,
     Tai Chi,
     Qigong, and, and
     Osho/Rajneesh,

  2. THE RELAXATION RESPONSE: Benson, of the Harvard Medical School, calls this important
    technique for self-calming “the relaxation response,” after his 1975 book of that title, and
    explains it on his website:

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