Complementary & Alternative Medicine for Mental Health

(sharon) #1

Brown et al., op cit. at 113-114. Dr. Gerbarg’s chapter, “Yoga and Neuro-Psychoanalysis.” was published
in Bodies In Treatment: The Unspoken Dimension edited by Frances Sommer Anderson (The Analytic Press,
Hillsdale, N.J. 2007).

(^27) Id. at 109.
(^28) Id.
(^29) Extensive citations to research do not examine it critically.
(^30) Krisanaprakornkit, T., Krisanaprakornkit, W., Piyavhatkul, N. & Laopaiboon, M., “Meditation Therapy for Anxiety
Disorders,” prepared and maintained by the Cochrane Collaboration and published in The Cochrane Library, issue
1, no. 004998 (2006).
(^32) Weil, op. cit., at 70.
(^34) The list of sources covers pp. 390 and 395-396 of Gordon’s book, Unstuck, by James S. Gordon, M.D. (The
Penguin Press, New York 2008). Quotation at 34.
(^36) The Open-Focus Brain: Harnessing the Power of Attention to Heal Mind and Body, by Les Fehmi and Jim Robbins,
Trumpeter Books / Shambhala (2007). Http://Www.Openfocus.Com/
(^37) Http://En.Wikipedia.Org/Wiki/Jon_Kabat-Zinn; See The Mindful Way Through Depression: Freeing Yourself from
Chronic Unhappiness, by J. Mark G. Williams, John D. Teasdale, Zindel V. Segal & Jon Kabat-Zinn. Guilford Press,
(^38) Huijbers, M.J., Spijker, J., Donders. A.R., van Schaik, D.J., van Oppen, P., Ruhé, H.G., Blom, M.B., Nolen,
W.A., Ormel, J., van der Wilt, G.J., Kuyken, W., Spinhoven, P. & Speckens, A.E., “Preventing Relapse in Recurrent
Depression Using Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy, Antidepressant Medication or the Combination: Trial

Design and Protocol of the MOMENT study,” BMC Psychiatry 12:125 (2012). doi: 10.1186/1471-244X- 12 - 125.

(^39) Hölzel, B.K., Ott, U., Gard, T., Hempel, H., Weygandt, M., Morgen, K. & Vaitl, D., “Investigation
of Mindfulness Meditation Practitioners with Voxel-based Morphometry, Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci. 3(1):55- 61
(2008). Epub 2007 Dec 3. 40
Lazar, S.W., Kerr, C.E., Wasserman, R.H., Gray, J.R., Greve, D.N., Treadway, M.T., McGarvey, M., Quinn, B.T.,
Dusek, J.A., Benson, H., Rauch, S.L., Moore, C.I. & Fischl, B., “Meditation Experience is Associated with Increased
Cortical Thickness,” Neuroreport 16(17):1893-97 (2005).
(^42) Weil, op. cit., at 64.

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