Complementary & Alternative Medicine for Mental Health

(sharon) #1

Interactions include potential interference with:

 Other steroids;
 Psychotropic drugs such as clozapine (Clorazil);
 Medications and herbs that affect blood sugar levels;
 Anticoagulant or anti-platelet drugs (those that thin the blood), such as warfarin
Coumadin), hepadrin or clopidogrel, or herbs with similar effects, such as ginseng;
 Hormone replacement therapy and birth control pills, as well as herbs that have
hormonal effects, such as alfalfa and blood root;
 Heart medications or herbs that alter heart rhythms;
 Any medication that may increase DHEA levels in the body, including growth hormones
and aprazolem (Xanax), antipsychotics, and pain killers, as well as supplements like

Studies have not yet been conducted to determine whether the same interactions exist with 7-
keto DHEA.

Side Effects

 May increase the risk of developing prostate, breast, ovarian, uterine, or cervical cancer
and malignant melanoma or other hormonally-affected cancers.
 Hormonal side effects can be significant, including acne, skin changes, excess hair or hair
loss, increased sweating, and weight gain.
 Men may develop more prominent breasts, breast tenderness, increased blood
pressure, testicular wasting, and significant elevations in testosterone levels with
potential effects on the prostate and increased aggressiveness.
 In women, the most common side effects are abnormal menses, emotional changes,
headache, and insomnia.
 Additional hormonal side effects may include increases in blood sugar levels, insulin
resistance, altered cholesterol levels, altered thyroid hormone levels, and altered
adrenal function..
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