Complementary & Alternative Medicine for Mental Health

(sharon) #1
determine whether it has the same efficacy as DHEA without the hormonal side effects.
Since 7-keto DHEA has not been tested in pregnancy and lactation, all DHEA drugs are
inappropriate at this time.
 According to the Natural Standard, few side effects are reported when DHEA (or, by
extension, 7-keto DHEA) supplements are taken by mouth in recommended doses.
Side effects may include fatigue, nasal congestion, headache, acne, and rapid and
irregular heartbeat. In women, the most common side effects are abnormal menses,
emotional changes, headache, and insomnia.
 The Natural Standard cautions that people with a history of abnormal heart rhythms,
blood clots or problems with clotting, or a history of liver disease, serious diabetes or
hyperglycemia, high cholesterol, thyroid disorders, or other serious endocrine
(hormonal) abnormalities should avoid DHEA supplements. At a minimum, serum
glucose, cholesterol and thyroid levels may need to be monitored, and medication
adjustments may be necessary. This caution applies equally to 7 - keto DHEA and to
 Brown et al. caution that DHEA should be used with caution and only in low doses in
people with bipolar disorder because it can exacerbate mania, irritability, and
aggression. Mischoulon and Rosenbaum suggest that all people taking DHEA should be
monitored for occasional development of hypomanic, aggressive, psychotic, or
disinhibited behavior.

  1. CHECKLIST: Mischoulon and Rosenbaum advise the following checklist of concerns:
     The consumer needs to know the state of knowledge about the effects and potential
    side effects of DHEA, with particular emphasis on diminishing any unrealistic
    expectations about its "antiaging" effects, and the preliminary nature of most of the
    positive results reported,
     persons at increased risk for hormonally sensitive tumors (e.g., cancer of the breast,
    ovary, uterus, cervix, or prostate, or malignant melanoma) should not take DHEA and
    anyone concerned about cancer risk should be monitored if they do,

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