Complementary & Alternative Medicine for Mental Health

(sharon) #1
putative mechanisms may be relevant to CES's psychotropic effects, with the adaptogenic
mechanism appearing to be the most favored, as it is the sum total of all the other
mechanisms mentioned, and considering the role of stress in psychiatric illness (Feusner et
al., 2012; Gunther and Phillips, 2010; Kavirajan et al., 2014; Smith, 2008).”^5

  1. The most common theory is that the pulses of electric current increase the ability of neural
    cells to produce serotonin, dopamine, DHEA, endorphins and other neurotransmitters
    stabilizing the neuro-hormonal system. Brown notes that increases in cerebrospinal fluid
    (CSF) levels of serotonin (e.g., CSF increase of 200%) and Beta-endorphins (CSF increase by
    219%) after 20 minutes have been reported, as well as plasma level increases of gamma
    aminobutyric acid (GABA) (crucial for anxiety relief), DHEA (an important anti-stress
    hormone), dopamine, and others.4

  2. The direct current [known as tDCS, for transcranial Direct Current Stimulation] versions such
    as the “BrainStimulator” pictured fourth in the photo gallery, are of comparable size but are
    less well-studied than CES. A recent review concluded that: “Active tDCS was statistically
    superior to sham tDCS in the treatment of MDD [depression], with a medium, significant
    effect size in both continuous (depression score change) and categorical (response and
    remission) outcomes. TDCS was also an acceptable intervention, with similar dropout rates in
    the active vs. sham groups. However, given the mixed results of previous trials and meta-
    analyses and the relatively small number of trials, there is not enough evidence to perform
    immediate treatment suggestion of tDCS in daily clinical practice.”^6 Comparative trials with
    CES as well as further investigation of tDCS are both warranted.

  3. Although a prescription is required, CES can be used safely and conveniently in the home,
    without professional supervision. It can be used adjunctively with any other treatment.


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