Complementary & Alternative Medicine for Mental Health

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analysis conducted at the Harvard School of Public Health concluded that CES was
significantly more effective than sham treatment in improving anxiety but that
inconsistent study methodology and lack of blinding complicated interpretation of these
data (Klawansky et al., 1995). Recently, better controlled studies have been performed,
which may be relevant in considering this treatment for PTSD.... In light of these studies,
the relative safety and affordability of CES makes it an interesting target for further
research in PTSD.”^26
 MHA encourages additional research to determine whether the promise of CES can be
fulfilled, without the serious side effects of large-current ECT, TES, or deep brain
stimulation (higher-intensity forms of brain stimulation).

  1. DRUG INTERACTIONS: None noted.

  2. SIDE EFFECTS: There are no known contraindications to the use of CES. According to Brown,
    side effects are uncommon (between 3 and 10% -- Brown et al. II estimates under 1%) and
    of minimal severity (e.g., rarely skin irritation at the site of electrode placement, headaches,
    light-headedness, or increased jitteriness as occurs with other antidepressants), generally
    resolved when electrodes are moved or current is reduced.^27 Brown et al II state that: “no
    serious adverse effect has ever been reported from using CES.”^28 The sole negative finding in
    the literature was a 1996 animal study cited by Brown et al II that found lower fetal weights
    in the CES group.^29 Because the animals treated with CES were not as active and did not eat
    as much, their fetuses were smaller. There is no evidence that CES treatment causes humans
    to be less active or eat less, so this finding is of doubtful relevance to human health.
    Differential effects on children remain to be tested. The only side effects noted by Brown
    were feeling "spacey” or “woozy" after the treatment and perceiving a flashing light after the
    session due to stimulation of the optic nerve by the device. After a CES treatment, users
    generally are in an "alert, yet relaxed" state, characterized by increased alpha and decreased
    delta brain waves as seen on EEG.^30

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