Engineering Design with SOLIDWORKS 2016

(Ben Green) #1

Fundamentals of Drawing Engineering Design with SOLIDWORKS® 2016

You can define drawing sheet zones on a sheet format for the
purpose of providing locations where drawing views and annotations

reside on the drawing.

The B (ANSI) Landscape Standard Sheet border defines the drawing

size, 17′′ x 11′′ (431.8mm x 279.4mm).

Expand Sheet1 in the FeatureManager. Right-click Sheet

Format1 and view your options. The purpose of this book is to expose

the new user to various tools and methods.

Use annotation notes and balloons to identify which drawing

zone they are in. As you move an annotation in the
Graphics area, the drawing zone updates to the current

zone. You can add the current zone to an annotation by

clicking an open space within the drawing view's

bounding box while typing the annotation.

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