Engineering Design with SOLIDWORKS 2016

(Ben Green) #1

Engineering Design with SOLIDWORKS® 2016 Fundamentals of Drawing

The Revision Property, $PRP:“Revision”, in the Title

block is linked to the REV. Property in the REVISIONS
table. The latest REV. letter is displayed in the Title


Revision Table Zone Numbers, Dates and Approved

names are inserted as an exercise. The Revision Table

and Engineering Change Order documentation are
integrated in the drawing and the design process.

To save time, incorporate the Revision Table into
your custom Sheet Formats.

Part Number and Document Properties

Engineers manage the parts they create and modify. Each part requires a Part Number

and Part Name. A part number is a numeric representation of the part. Each part has a

unique number. Each drawing has a unique number. Drawings incorporate numerous part

numbers or assembly numbers.

There are software applications that incorporate unique part numbers to create and

  • Bill of Materials

  • Manufacturing procedures

  • Cost analysis

  • Inventory control/Just in Time (JIT)

You are required to procure the part and drawing numbers from the documentation
control manager.

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